Thursday, December 4, 2008

Italian Recipe - Lasagne al Basilico (Lasagna With Basil)

This Italian recipe is a very easy to prepare.  It is a strongly flavored dish, however, and is typical of Tuscan cuisine.  You're whole family will love this taste of Italian mainland. 


3 oz pecorino or parmesan cheese 
1 large bunch basil 
10 whole shelled walnuts 
2 tbsp olive oil 
10 oz dried lasagne 

Italian Cooking 
  1. Pound the cheese well with the basil and walnuts in a mortar. 
  2. Gradually add the oil. 
  3. Cook the lasagne in plenty of salted water until al dente. 
  4. Drain and cover with the cold basil sauce. 
  5. Mix and serve immediately. 

Garnish with a few whole basil leaves and an extra sprinkle of ground walnuts. This Italian recipe contains no meat or vegetables, so its perfect for almost every diet.

You're family definitely enjpy this Italian recipe.  It has only a few ingredients, and is quick to prepare, so its perfect for that last minute dinner idea.

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